ADTRAN - 1000 239 HRE

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A dI n TOTAL ACCESS 1000 239 HRE HSKS 0212 239 HRE CLEI VAR1FC0B__ f 239 HRE 1179513L1 1 LP1 N LP20t LP1 S LP2 T llMrl Y G Adirati LED STATUS C LOOPBACK AND CONTROL CODES NETWORK LP1 LP2 CUSTOMER LP1 LP2 LL RL O OFF No synchronization with the I COT GREEN Synchronized with good signal quality on NET Loop 1 Loop 2 gt 2 dB margin YELLOW Synchronized with marginal signal quality on NET Loop 1 Loop 2 1 to 2 dB margin RED Synchronized with poor signal quality on NET Loop 1 Loop 2 0 dB margin O OFF No synchronization with the RT GREEN Synchronized with good signal quality on CUST Loop 1 Loop 2 gt 2 dB margin YELLOW Synchronized with marginal signal qua ...